(fo^l' dur) n.
a directory represented visually in a graphical environment as a container for files.
(font') n.
a source for the letterforms of a typeface; usually, a set of mathematical definitions of the shapes of letters and symbols, stored as a file and selected by name from a list.
Procedure. Adds system fonts to SAS Registry. Ref: SPG.
(foot' nOt') n.
a note at the bottom of a page, table, etc.
Global statement. Defines footnote lines. Ref: PSPPR:Global Statements. PSPL:Print Output:Print Files and Pages; Proc Step Output. SLRD:Statements.
Display Manager window. Alias for FOOTNOTES.
a line of text printed at the bottom of every page printed in a print file. Footnote lines are defined in FOOTNOTE statements.
Display Manager window. Footnote lines.Ref: PSPPR:Display Manager.
Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Low-Level I/O Programming:Text File I/O Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Low-Level I/O Programming:Text File I/O Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Low-Level I/O Programming:Text File I/O Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
SAS/ETS. Procedure.
(fo:r' ground) adj.
1. having a screen display or other direct interaction with the user.
2. the color used to display the primary objects, especially text, in a window, screen, etc.
Compare background.
(fo:r' mat) n.
1. a specific way to structure or arrange data in a field, file, etc.
2. a routine that converts data values to text values that can be written in a text file or displayed.
3. a reference to an format, which may include width and decimal arguments.
4. such a reference used as an attribute of a variable to indicate the default format for use with the variable.
5. also, formatting. the appearance, structure, layout, etc., of a field, file, page, document, etc.
6. to use a format to convert (a value) to text.
7. to apply a particular appearance, layout, etc., when creating a field, file, page, document, etc.
Data/proc step statement. Sets format attributes of variables. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements; Proc Step Statements. PSPL:Variables and Values:Variables and Attributes. SLRD:Statements.
Procedure. Creates formats and informats. Ref: PSPPR:Procedures. PSPL:Creating Formats and Informats. SPG.
Entry type. Numeric format. Ref: PSPL:Creating Formats and Informats.
Entry type. Character format. Ref: PSPL:Creating Formats and Informats.
an option set for a value or picture format when it is created in the FORMAT procedure.
(fo:r' mat ud) adj.
1. having a format.
2. having been converted to text using a format.
System option. Ref: PSPPR:System Options. PSPL:Print Output:Proc Step Output. SLRD:SAS System Options.
System option. Ref: PSPPR:System Options. PSPL:Print Output:Print Files and Pages. SLRD:SAS System Options.
Procedure. Ref: PSPPR:Procedures.
(fo^rm' U lu) n.
a mathematical expression or other precisely defined process that produces an answer or a specific result.
Entry type. SAS/FSP. SCL programs to define columns for an FSVIEW window.
(fo:r' wurd) adj.
1. toward or in reference to something later.
2. in the same, usual, or intended direction.
3. forward compatible. designed to be compatible with something to be developed subsequently.
also, forwards.
Command. Scroll down. Ref: PSPPR:Display Manager.
a process of creating a computer program or other device by reference to its intended purpose and design. Compare reverse engineering.