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Global Statements Dictionary

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SAS word: ! (exclamation point)

Substitute character. See |.

SAS word: " (double quote)

Quote. Ref: PSPPR:General Rules:Tokens and Spacing. PSPL:Statements and Steps:Things to Look For -- and What They Mean.

SAS word: # (number sign)

Pointer control. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements:INPUT; PUT. PSPL:Text File I/O:Terms for Processing Records. SLRD:Statements:INPUT, Formatted; PUT, Formatted.

SAS word: % (percent sign)

Prefix for macros, macro functions, macro statements, and picture directives in the FORMAT procedure.

SAS word: & (ampersand)

Prefix for macro variables.

Scanning control. See INPUT statement.

Operator. See AND.

SAS word: ' (single quote)

Quote. Ref: PSPPR:General Rules:Tokens and Spacing. PSPL:Statements and Steps:Things to Look For -- and What They Mean.

SAS word: ( ) (parentheses)

Enclose arguments, subexpressions, expressions in pointer controls, values of some options, subscripts, lists, etc.

SAS word: *

Operator. Multiplication. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

Global statement. Comment statement. Ref: PSPPR:Global statements. PSPL:Statements and Steps:Things to Look For -- and What They Mean.

Indicates crossing in procedures: SUMMARY, TABULATE, FREQ, etc.

Indicates repetition in: INPUT statement, PUT statement, etc.

SAS word: **

Operator. Exponentiation. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

SAS word: + (plus sign)

Operator. Addition. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

Indicates sum statement.

Pointer control. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements:INPUT; PUT. PSPL:Text File I/O:Terms for Processing Records. SLRD:Statements:INPUT, Formatted; PUT, Formatted.

SAS word: , (comma)

Separates items in lists of expressions, constants, etc. Indicates crossing in procedures: TABULATE, REPORT, etc.

SAS word: - (hyphen)

Operator. Subtraction. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

Indicates ranges.

SAS word: --

Indicates sequential ranges in abbreviated variable lists.

SAS word: . (period)

Missing value. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Constants. PSPL:Special Kinds of Values:Missing Values.

Joins levels of multi-level names. Separates integer part from fractional part in numeric constant. Follows width argument of informat or format.

SAS word: / (slash)

Operator. Division. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

Separates lists of objects from lists of options. Precedes options in some lists of objects.

Pointer control. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements:INPUT; PUT. PSPL:Text File I/O:Terms for Processing Records. SLRD:Statements:INPUT; PUT.

SAS word: : (colon)

Follows comparison operators to indicate character comparison with truncation. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

Follows statement labels. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements:Statement Label. PSPL:Statements and Steps:Things to Look For -- and What They Mean. SLRD:Statements:Label, Statement.

Scanning control. See INPUT statement.

Format modifier. See PUT statement.

Indicates abbreviated variable lists defined with an alphabetic prefix.

Follows low subscript bound in an ARRAY statement.

SAS word: ; (semicolon)

Marks the end of a statement or macro statement.

SAS word: < (less than)

Operator. Less than. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

Indicates exclusion of an interval endpoint in FORMAT procedure.

SAS word: <=

Operator. Less than or equal to. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

SAS word: <>

Operator. Maximum. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

WHERE operator. See NE.

SAS word: < > (angle brackets)

Enclose denominator expression in TABULATE procedure. Enclose tags in XML and HTML.

SAS word: = (equals)

Indicates assignment statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements:Assignment. PSPL:Variables and Values:Values. SLRD:Statements:Assignment.

Operator. Equals. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

Connects option name to option value.

SAS word: =*

WHERE operator. Sounds like. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

SAS word: > (greater than)

Operator. Greater than. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

SAS word: ><

Operator. Minimum. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

SAS word: >=

Operator. Greater than or equal to. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

SAS word: ? (question mark)

WHERE operator. Contains. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

Error control. See INPUT statement, INPUT function.

First character of a substitute character combination. See CHARCODE system option.

SAS word: ??

Error control. See INPUT statement, INPUT function.

SAS word: @ (at-sign)

Pointer control. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements:INPUT; PUT. PSPL:Text File I/O:Terms for Processing Records. SLRD:Statements:INPUT, Formatted; PUT, Formatted.

SAS word: [ ] (brackets)

Enclose subscripts and informat and format references used as values in the FORMAT procedure. (Not in the EBCDIC character set.)

SAS word: ^ (caret)

Operator, operator modifier. See NOT. (Not in the EBCDIC character set.)

SAS word: { } (braces)

Enclose subscripts.

SAS word: | (vertical bar)

Operator. See OR.

SAS word: ||

Operator. Concatenation. Ref: PSPPR:Expressions:Operators. PSPL:Constants and Expressions:Operators.

SAS word: ~

Substitute character. See ^.

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Global Statements Dictionary

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